After a couple of years researching and providing postcard pictures to other writers it was the lockdown which made me sit down and pen this book. I had written two books earlier in 1979 & 80 which were about my local village in Sussex but it was nothing to writing this one. I had been on the circuit giving talks on the Prison for about 4 years and had been asked many times if I had written a book. My answer was always that there were enough books already on the subject of the Prison. My links to the local prison here in Princetown enabled me to research records that probably hadn’t been looked at for many years. I was lucky to be able to buy online the series of Hansard produced in 1916 – 1919 which tied in with my research. I had collected postcards of Princetown for several years so was able to match them to the evidence. I hope that you enjoy the book and I would be more than happy to engage with anyone on the subject. The picture shows Mark Hayler who was one of the Conscientious Objectors at Dartmoor who I have quoted in the book. My thanks go to Mark’s family who have allowed me to use this picture.


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